Monday, August 10, 2015


Chris guest hosts!
Show: 124

Yvette Young - "A Map A String A Light" (Acoustics EP, 2014)
Celestial Shore - "Hour Minute" (10x, 2013)
Clever Girl - "ohmygodiloveyoupleasedontleaveme" (No Drum and Bass in the Jazz Room, 2014)

Brontide - "Matador" (Sans Souci, 2011)
Planets Live In Houses - "Wolf Computer" (s/t, 2014)
Mouse on the Keys - "LeVIathan" (The Flowers of Romance, 2015)

CHON - "Suda" (Grow, 2015)
tricot - "食卓 / Shokutaku / Dining Table" (A N D, 2015)
Junior Bob - "Yeah Kate, You Like The Beach" (Untitled, 2012)

Gulfer - "M.C. Groggy" (Splits, 2013)
Boyfrndz - "Closer" (All Day Pass, 2012)
And  So I Watch You From Afar - "A Beacon, A Compass, An Anchor" (Heirs, 2015)

The Physics House Band - "Teratology" (Horizons/Rapture, 2013)
i.o - "Cryogenic" (Edit Architect, 2014)
The Sound of Animals Fighting - "This Heat" (Lover, The Lord Has Left Us, 2007)

Giraffes? Giraffes! - "DRGNFKR" (Pink Magick, 2011)
Antlers - "Water Tupelo" (s/t, 2008)

Bump music: You Slut! - "Mybloodyjesusexploreronfire" (Critical Meat, 2007)

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